News & Events
A Midwest favorite, Minnesota Pork Congress will be held Feb. 11-12 in Mankato, MN. HerdStar will exhibit at this swine specific show that engages pork producers and industry stakeholders in activities designed specifically for them. BinTrac Bin Weighing Systems offer bin scale weighing, batch controls, remote data collection and digital access to feed management tools.…Read More
A BinTrac customer in the poultry industry recently compared six months worth of data between their BinTrac bin scales and the legal-for-trade truck scale tickets. With over 1.5 million pounds of feed delivered, the total difference between the BinTrac scale data to the feed truck scale tickets was less than 0.5%. To state it differently,…Read More
Our BinTrac team wraps up a busy 2023 tradeshow schedule. Last stop is the World Pork Expo in Des Moines on June 7-9. We’d love to connect with you, hear about what’s happening at your business, and share some information about the solutions we offer. Hope to see you soon! Take a glimpse of BinTrac…Read More
Take the frustration and guesswork out of feed management. BinTrac weighing systems let you know exactly how much feed is in the bin and provide accurate information about usage and fill events, so you can put down the rubber mallets and stop climbing ladders. Precision livestock farming requires decision-making that is based on reliable data…Read More
Compare your bin scales to BinTrac Bin Scale Systems. EASY INSTALLATION Minimal ½” lift of bin WITHOUT using jacks or cranes and simply level bin by turning lifting bolt. Simple calibration with NO need to apply known weight and bin doesn’t need to be completely emptied. CONSISTENT ACCURACY Repeatable system accuracy within +/- 1% provided…Read More