News & Events
A big THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to our new friends in Mississippi on the construction of their state-of-the-art hen farm. The precision batch feeding will be handled by the BinTrac Triple Batching system that includes our patented A-Frame with load cell technology on the weigh bin legs and triple-batching control setup located in the house.…Read More
As an allied member we are proud to support the efforts of The Poultry Federation, hosts of the 2024 Poultry Symposium. We will be showcasing our patented BinTrac bin weighing systems for accurate monitoring of on-farm feed inventories and precision batching from the feed bins into the house. Make plans to attend and add our booth…Read More
Take the frustration and guesswork out of feed management. BinTrac weighing systems let you know exactly how much feed is in the bin and provide accurate information about usage and fill events, so you can put down the rubber mallets and stop climbing ladders. Precision livestock farming requires decision-making that is based on reliable data…Read More
BinTrac is proud to be a partner and supporter of poultry industry research by providing our feed bin weighing systems at various universities. Below is a recent example inside a house at the University of Arkansas – Department of Poultry Science research farm where students are now able to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art production…Read More
BinTrac congratulates TPA Farm Families 2022, Parham Pullets and Box Farms. We are proud our bin weighing system is part of their approach to feed management.Read More